Produkt zum Begriff The-students-guide-to:
Leader's Guide to Influence, The
Shortlisted for the CMI Management Book of the Year 2011, Practical Manager CategoryThe Leader’s Guide to Influence will show you how to step up your people skills and improve working relationships so you can get the business results you want.Combing the hugely popular areas of influence and leadership, this book will show you how to step up your interpersonal effectiveness by learning how to work more successfully with those around you, be they people you manage, colleagues, client or business partners.Through a combination of practical exercises, case studies and no-nonsense advice, this book shows you how to:Increase your confidence and impact.Communicate more effectively.Learn different tools, techniques and approaches when working with different types of people.Listen and question effectively.Develop rapport and empathy.Give better feedback.Deal with difficult situations and cope with conflict.
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Leader's Guide to Negotiation, The
PLAY ON YOUR TERMS Negotiation is THE core business skill. It is fundamental to everything we do that involves other people, whether that’s asking for a raise, pitching an idea or deciding who gets the coffee. The Leader’s Guide to Negotiation is a highly practical guide to getting the most out of your business interactions, whilst building stronger relationships to boot. From achieving win-win outcomes to problem-solving and building trust, it equips you with failsafe strategies for conducting successful and positive negotiations. ‘An entertaining, immediately useful book that goes beyond advocating for win-win – Simon Horton shows us how to get there.’Adam Grant, Wharton Professor and New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take ‘Reading this book has made me think about how I negotiate and I have learned a lot… If you want to benefit your relationships while improving your business, then this is worth studying.’Simon Woodroffe, founder of Yo!
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Leader's Guide to Presenting, The
****The Leader's Guide to Presenting has been officially announced as winner of the hotly contested 'Self Development' category in The Business Book Awards 2018.****Judges in this category said they would recommend this book to anyone, whether a leader or not, as it definitely adds something new to the presentation bookshelf. The Leader’s Guide to Presenting was also described as a great practical handbook written with a true purpose of self development.******************************************Presentations are an inevitable part of a leader's day to day. They are fundamental to delivering information, motivating staff and building relationships.The Leader's Guide to Presenting is a highly practical guide to delivering engaging and influential presentations. From informal to formal settings, you'll discover how persuasion, influence and communication are critical to your own impact, the motivation and engagement of others and, ultimately, the success of your organisation.How to present when the stakes are high How to structure your message to gain agreement How to deliver with maximum impact and get the outcome you want How to pitch for success and handle difficult conversations“This is the most effective book I have ever read on the art of presenting and especially for leaders. The Leader’s Guide to Presenting is the one book they would ever need on this subject.”Adrian Foster, UK Marketing Manager, Parker Hannifin“Too many senior people struggle with too many elements of presenting even though they understand how important it is nowadays in winning hearts and minds.It's the right book at the right time. It is bold, yet sensible, profound yet practical, as it is applicable to many different situations where you need to improve the way you communicate and influence.”Neil Mullarkey, UK’s leading improviser and experienced leadership trainer and coach“ We all know the old line about fail to prepare and prepare to fail BUT this book gives you real insights into how to do that. Will help you become a more complete and engaging presenter. I’ll be using it in my role!’Paul Rawlinson, Global Chairman, Baker & McKenzie“An indispensable guide for global leaders in aiding the preparation of high-stakes, persuasive presentations with structure and purpose to deliver positive outcomes. This book has been an invaluable aid in delivering to my audiences engaging and compelling messages with the necessary punch!! Brilliant!!”Dr. Graham Woolford, Head of Operations, Unihealth, South Africa“Having coached and trained leaders since 1999, including presentations coaching and training, I am hugely impressed with Jeremy and Tom’s book. The Leaders Guide to Presenting provides leaders with a thorough, practical and easy to use guide to making presentations to different types of audience. I’ve learned a lot from reading it.”Jeremy Lazarus MA, FCCA, FCT, Director, The Lazarus Consultancy Ltd“This book crystallises the key elements that can allow any leader to be really present when they present and make a dynamic difference with any audience. You can dip into it or read it in a linear way – whichever way you chose I can guarantee you will find lots of ideas, tools and questions that will allow you to improve your ability to present dynamically and make the impact that will make a real positive difference in your world.”John Matson, Partner at Arthur Cox, Ch
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Leader's Guide to Impact, The
Things move fast. Leaders need to create impact in each moment, to not lose that moment. Creating impact is a positive, powerful and authentic way to demonstrate you’re taking charge, get more from your team and drive business results. But to succeed, you need to create the impact you WANT and need rather than relying on what you HAVE. The Leader’s Guide to Impact will show leaders how to create the impact that will help them connect with others in a respectful way, to create trust, get others to listen to them, influence effectively, drive results and much more. And most importantly, the book will also show leaders how to do it in an authentic way that supports your reputation and brand effectively. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie schreibt man einen Letter to the Editor?
Ein Letter to the Editor ist ein kurzer Brief, der an eine Zeitung oder Zeitschrift geschickt wird, um eine Meinung zu einem bestimmten Thema zu äußern. Um einen solchen Brief zu schreiben, sollte man klar und prägnant seine Meinung darlegen, Fakten oder Beispiele zur Unterstützung verwenden und den Brief höflich und respektvoll formulieren. Es ist auch wichtig, den Brief kurz zu halten und sich auf das Thema zu konzentrieren, das in der Zeitung oder Zeitschrift behandelt wurde.
Wofür steht die englische Redewendung "to kill the cat"?
Die englische Redewendung "to kill the cat" bedeutet, dass man neugierig ist und Dinge erforscht oder untersucht, die besser unberührt bleiben sollten. Es bezieht sich auf den Spruch "Curiosity killed the cat", der darauf hinweist, dass zu viel Neugierde negative Konsequenzen haben kann.
Kissing Booth oder To All the Boys I've Loved Before?
Das ist eine schwierige Entscheidung, da beide Filme beliebt sind. "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" hat eine süße Liebesgeschichte und eine starke weibliche Hauptfigur, während "Kissing Booth" mehr auf Comedy und Teenager-Drama setzt. Letztendlich würde ich mich für "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" entscheiden, da mir die Charaktere und die Handlung besser gefallen.
Wie hat euch der Anime Welcome to the NHK gefallen?
Mir hat der Anime Welcome to the NHK sehr gut gefallen. Die Geschichte über soziale Isolation, psychische Gesundheit und den Kampf gegen persönliche Dämonen hat mich sehr berührt. Die Charakterentwicklung war sehr gut gemacht und die Animation war ansprechend. Insgesamt fand ich den Anime sehr tiefgründig und emotional.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für The-students-guide-to:
Leader's Guide to Mindfulness, The
The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed. For leaders wanting to use proven mindfulness strategies and tools to unlock top performance and results. The Leader’s Guide to Mindfulness is a highly practical guide to help you focus your attention on the present so you and your organisation can perform more effectively. With emphasis on the “why” and the “how” of mindfulness, you’ll discover how to reap the performance benefits and also learn how to use mindfulness to become an emotionally agile leader. Through a combination of ground rules, practical exercises, case studies and no-nonsense advice, you’ll discover how mindfulness can help you and your organisation to: Improve wellbeing and resilience Improve relationships Improve collaboration Improve creativity and innovation Improve decision making and problem-solving
Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Leader's Guide to Wellbeing, The
Your practical toolkit to banish burnout, create a culture of psychological safety and inclusion to keep high-performance teams feeling valued, motivated and energised.
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 € -
The Leader's Guide to Resilience
The Leader’s Guide to Resilience is your essential toolkit to build authentic strength within your business, so you can thrive in a changing and challenging world.Resilience is the core of growth and regrowth. It is what contributes most to the advancement of your organisation and your role as leader. Your personal resilience, and that of your teams, organisation and broader community network, must be actively nurtured to give you the tools to face anything that comes your way.This book will give you clear, effective and adaptable methods to initiate your first steps in building resilience, as well as advanced practical ways to refine, develop and future-proof your progress once on the path.Whatever life throws at you, resilience will help you bounce back.2021 Firebird Book Award Winner - Business, Leadership and Motivation
Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Leader's Guide to Presenting, The
****The Leader's Guide to Presenting has been officially announced as winner of the hotly contested 'Self Development' category in The Business Book Awards 2018.****Judges in this category said they would recommend this book to anyone, whether a leader or not, as it definitely adds something new to the presentation bookshelf. The Leader’s Guide to Presenting was also described as a great practical handbook written with a true purpose of self development.******************************************Presentations are an inevitable part of a leader's day to day. They are fundamental to delivering information, motivating staff and building relationships.The Leader's Guide to Presenting is a highly practical guide to delivering engaging and influential presentations. From informal to formal settings, you'll discover how persuasion, influence and communication are critical to your own impact, the motivation and engagement of others and, ultimately, the success of your organisation.How to present when the stakes are high How to structure your message to gain agreement How to deliver with maximum impact and get the outcome you want How to pitch for success and handle difficult conversations“This is the most effective book I have ever read on the art of presenting and especially for leaders. The Leader’s Guide to Presenting is the one book they would ever need on this subject.”Adrian Foster, UK Marketing Manager, Parker Hannifin“Too many senior people struggle with too many elements of presenting even though they understand how important it is nowadays in winning hearts and minds.It's the right book at the right time. It is bold, yet sensible, profound yet practical, as it is applicable to many different situations where you need to improve the way you communicate and influence.”Neil Mullarkey, UK’s leading improviser and experienced leadership trainer and coach“ We all know the old line about fail to prepare and prepare to fail BUT this book gives you real insights into how to do that. Will help you become a more complete and engaging presenter. I’ll be using it in my role!’Paul Rawlinson, Global Chairman, Baker & McKenzie“An indispensable guide for global leaders in aiding the preparation of high-stakes, persuasive presentations with structure and purpose to deliver positive outcomes. This book has been an invaluable aid in delivering to my audiences engaging and compelling messages with the necessary punch!! Brilliant!!”Dr. Graham Woolford, Head of Operations, Unihealth, South Africa“Having coached and trained leaders since 1999, including presentations coaching and training, I am hugely impressed with Jeremy and Tom’s book. The Leaders Guide to Presenting provides leaders with a thorough, practical and easy to use guide to making presentations to different types of audience. I’ve learned a lot from reading it.”Jeremy Lazarus MA, FCCA, FCT, Director, The Lazarus Consultancy Ltd“This book crystallises the key elements that can allow any leader to be really present when they present and make a dynamic difference with any audience. You can dip into it or read it in a linear way – whichever way you chose I can guarantee you will find lots of ideas, tools and questions that will allow you to improve your ability to present dynamically and make the impact that will make a real positive difference in your world.”John Matson, Partner at Arthur Cox, Ch
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
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Es wurde bisher keine offizielle Ankündigung für eine zweite Staffel von "Alderamin to the Sky" gemacht. Es ist daher unklar, ob und wann eine Fortsetzung der Serie geplant ist. Fans müssen möglicherweise auf weitere Informationen warten.
Wie heißt der Emulator für Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City?
Der Emulator für Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City heißt "Dolphin". Mit diesem Emulator können Spieler das Spiel auf ihrem Computer spielen, auch wenn sie keine Wii-Konsole besitzen. Dolphin ist einer der bekanntesten und am häufigsten verwendeten Emulatoren für Wii-Spiele. Es ermöglicht den Spielern, Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City in höherer Auflösung und mit zusätzlichen Funktionen zu genießen.
Wie kann man in Zelda: A Link to the Past schnell rennen?
Um in Zelda: A Link to the Past schnell zu rennen, musst du das Pegasus-Schuh-Upgrade erhalten. Dies kannst du tun, indem du das Rennen im Dorf Kakariko gewinnst. Sobald du die Pegasus-Schuhe hast, drücke einfach den A-Knopf, um schnell zu rennen.
Wann kommt "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" auf Deutsch heraus?
"To All the Boys I've Loved Before" wurde bereits auf Deutsch unter dem Titel "To All the Boys I've Loved Before - Liebe ist ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln" veröffentlicht. Der Film basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Buch von Jenny Han und wurde von Netflix produziert.
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